Is there anything similar for generation 7 PKHeX can load a wc7 file but as I can see, I can only save the pokemon contained as a pk7 file.

I've found that there is a way to do it for up to generation 6 (there's a tool called WC6 Editor).

How do we protect millions of businesses every day? Our cutting-edge technology transforms our users into a worldwide network of cooperating sensors. I would like to create a custom wonder card to deliver as a present to a friend of mine. Plus, it allows us to provide unrivaled zero-day protection. This state-of-the-art infrastructure and access to an immense amount of security data gathered from millions of devices around the globe gives us one of the largest, most advanced threat-detection networks in the world. While there is no way to know if GF (or whoever made the events) didn't screw something up, it at least gives us more information. With that said, I will be converting all Gen 6 WC's to WCFulls to make life easier for everyone. To protect users, Avast detects and immediately reports any suspicious files or behavior. In Gen 7 there were some pokemon distributed to SM only but flagged for SMUSUM.
We protect millions of businesses worldwide by using the industry’s best prevention, detection, blocking capabilities, machine learning, advanced heuristics, advanced anti-exploit, and other Avast proprietary techniques. I just built my first PC and I installed the drivers and all, but now I have a bunch of programs that came with the motherboard and video card, but I Dont. All of our products include our next-generation antivirus for businesses designed to prevent, search for, detect, and remove malware and other malicious software (worms, trojans, adware, spyware, and more).